Tuition and registration 2024-25

The registration 2024-25 is open! Please fill the form.
We have following programs:
- Shalom School full day and half day program (half day program is for kids 4-6yo and 11+ only)
- B’nai Mitzvah preparation course
- Teen Leadership program/Pizza hours
- Programs for families (online and offline)
- Program for Volunteers (MCPS accredited)
- Hebrew classes (for details email us:
Don’t hesitate to contact us via email if you have any questions.
Our 1st school day is 09/08/2024
Shalom Education Center information
School year starts in September and ends in May-June (depends on a program and School’s calendar).
- We have 36 School days in total (including Jewish Holidays celebrations).
- We celebrate major Jewish Holidays.
- We have early/late bird registration fee (parents make this payment once a year) and material fee for all Shalom School’s program (parents may pay the whole sum or divide it into 2 payments).
~ Shalom School full program for 1 kid monthly tuition – $285 (5 classes a day).
Registration fee for 1 kid: $40 (before August 1st) and $45 (after August 1st).
~ Shalom School full program for 2 kids monthly tuition – $485 (5 classes a day).
Registration fee for 2 kids: $55 (before August 1st) and $60 (after August 1st).
~ Shalom school Half day program for 1 kid – $200 (3 classes a day).
Registration fee for 1 kid: $40 (before August 1st) and $45 (after August 1st).
~ B’nai Mitzvah Program for 2 kids monthly tuition – $490.
The length of the program may vary from 9 till 10 months, depending on group and quantity of rehearsals.
Registration fee for 2 kids: $55 (before August 1st) and $65 (after August 1st). No material fee.
Material fee* This fee is used for art materials, arts and crafts projects during school celebrations and additional materials for schoolers.
We also have a fee for the textbooks for groups Aleph-Hay. The sum may vary from $30 till $55 depends on a group.
- School is closed due to inclement weather according to Montgomery County policy: if Montgomery County Public Schools is closed, the Shalom Education Center is also closed.
- Parents come with their children on time and with appropriate supplies and materials, pencils and a folder for handouts.
- Children are not allowed to use mobile phones during classes at the Centre. We ask that you respect this requirement and leave mobile phones at home or in your bags.
- If a child is sick parents should notify the Shalom Centre by email or telephone.
- Parents are responsible for providing their mobile phone numbers (as well as home phones) for emergency contact.
- In order to maintain a comfortable climate in our classrooms, we ask parents to tell us about problems and difficulties their child may be having while studying or at home.
- We ask parents to take part in the surveys that our Centre conducts. Parents are encouraged to discuss with teachers and administrators any problems they have with the school’s programs, performance, etc.

You can make your payments monthly or annually. If you want to make the payment for the whole school year, please contact us and we’ll assist you.
We have check, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo options. Please contact us, as there might be additional fees.
The p/o address is: 6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville, 20854 MD
B'nai Mitzvah Program
The length of the program may vary from 9 till 10 months, depending on group and quantity of rehearsals
monthly tuition
Register today! The duration of the program is 9-10 months. Depends on a group.
You also pay the registration fee and give donation to Synagogue and a gift to Rabbi.